Reverse Osmosis water filters provide a portable alternative for those who don’t like to drink from plastic bottled water – because of the taste or the environmental effects – and can’t quite bring themselves to trust the stuff from their kitchen taps.
If the idea of drinking from plastic leaves a bad taste in your mouth, but you are not convinced of tap water quality, there is a range of filtering options on the market , Those may include cartridge filters, carbon filters, ceramic filters, and units that use ultraviolet light to kill bacteria.
More cost-effective in the long run. Provides a continuous supply of drinking water with a high level of pureness.
More expensive than tap water. Can cost up to 100 times more.
It can remove up to 99% of common contaminants, providing clean and safe drinking water.
Still, it can create health problems and might still have contaminants in it, especially if stored under the Sun or kept open for long time.
Reduces plastic waste from single-use plastic bottles.
Creates a recycling problem for most communities.